Ep.12 The secret to a successful romantic relationship w/Hedy Schleifer

Shannon Jenkins

How can we build authentic, satisfying and strong connections with our partners? What are the main ‘invisible’ connectors in our relationships? What is a ‘survival dance’ and how can it sabotage romantic success? Why will you fall in love with someone you are incompatible with? Why won’t compromise work?

My guest this week is internationally- renowned relationship builder and motivational speaker Hedy Schleifer, a 77 year old woman with decades of professional experience and over 56 years of personal experience in her marriage, or ‘living laboratory’ as she calls it, with her husband Yumi. The founder of the Encounter-centered Couples Transformation Approach® (EcCT), Hedy speaks 7 languages and has taught and guided couples as well as mental health professionals, coaches and executives on the art of connection and relational intelligence across 39 countries worldwide.  

On this episode she shares much of her wisdom with a radiant joy that will not fail to put a smile on your face.

You can connect with myself and Hedy on the links below: 

Shannon's instagram

Shannon's website

Hedy's website

Music by: Flood (Instrumental) by RYYZN

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0